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Funniest #PSAT2014 Tweets

Posted by Hunter on Thursday, October 16, 2014
If you are in the 10th of 11th grade then you might have been forced or chose (probably forced) to take the PSAT yesterday, which is a test that prepares you for the SAT. Apparently you have to at some point take the SAT or you won't be able to go to college! Anyways so since nearly 1 million people took the EXACT SAME test at the EXACT SAME time people choose to express their opinions of the test on social media including Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram. (No not Facebook... thats LAME!) The funniest part about all the posts is your really not supposed to post about it. We even had to write an agreement (in cursive! wtf?!) saying we wouldn't share answers. Well that obviously didn't stop anyone including me. Below are some of my favorite Tweets from what people said about the PSAT!

We had to put our calculators away for the English sections!:

Writing an entire sentence in cursive took forever!:

If we had to leave the room to go pee or if we got sick we were warned that our test would be.... wait for it.... "DESTROYED"!

There was one part of the test that said "this space is purposely left blank""

Now we get on to people making fun of the questions! You won't get them unless you took the test!"

And lastly we have a paragraph and picture recap of the test!:

More students will be taking the test on Saturday morning (glad thats not me). It will be interesting if they get the same test considering all the answers are being joked about online! Anyways guys talk to you later. Follow me on Twitter @HunterHastings_! Thats where everything is happening!!!

About Hunter

Hunter Hastings is no stranger to the internet world. He has been hosting shows on YouTube since the age of 10. The Feed Entertainment is his latest project of many. Hunter enjoys filming, editing, and going online.

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